Cambio de Uso del Suelo e Implicaciones de la Expansión Agroindustrial Aguacatera en el Occidente de México


  • Diego Subercaseaux Ugarte Instituto de Investigaciones en Ecosistemas y Sustentabilidad, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Gerardo Bocco Centro de Investigaciones en Geografía Ambiental, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Iván Cumana Grupo Interdisciplinario de Tecnología Rural Apropiada, Sa. de Cv
  • Ana Isabel Moreno-Calles Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores, Unidad Morelia, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Marta Astier Centro de Investigaciones en Geografía Ambiental, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Antonio Navarrete Centro de Investigaciones en Geografía Ambiental, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


“Traditional Agriculture”, “Community Social Organization”, “Peasant Heritage”, “Community Land Use Planning”, “Sustainability”, “Livelihoods”, “Rural Territory”.


Within the framework of rural and agricultural modernization and industrialization, avocado has become a prominent agribusiness export. Its expansion triggers land use change (LUC) and important socio-environmental impacts, which must be studied in detail to understand its multicausality. We addressed the case of two peasant communities in Michoacán, central Mexico, with analogous environmental characteristics. The objective was to analyze the changes and impacts associated with the LUC due to the expansion of said agroindustry between 1995 and 2021. Very high-resolution satellite images were used to map these changes. Transition matrices were constructed and annual change rates were calculated for each use class. To explain the differences in the LUC of both communities, in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with local farmers; this information was subjected to thematic content analysis. LUC affected 40.3% of the total area; forest replaced secondary vegetation, and both replaced traditional agriculture. The class that decreased the most was traditional agriculture; avocado orchard replaced it the most. The communities presented contrasting results in avocado expansion: in one the area increased from 0 to 20.2%, and in the other from 0 to 1.6%. The interviews suggested the determinant role of community social organization in the expansion, or not, of agribusiness. Impacts on peasant heritage, livelihoods, and deagrarianization are discussed.

Within the framework of rural and agricultural modernization and industrialization, avocado has become a prominent agribusiness export. Its expansion triggers land use change (LUC) and important socio-environmental impacts, which must be studied in detail to understand its multicausality. We addressed the case of two peasant communities in Michoacán, central Mexico, with analogous environmental characteristics. The objective was to analyze the changes and impacts associated with the LUC due to the expansion of said agroindustry between 1995 and 2021. Very high-resolution satellite images were used to map these changes. Transition matrices were constructed and annual change rates were calculated for each use class. To explain the differences in the LUC of both communities, in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with local farmers; this information was subjected to thematic content analysis. LUC affected 40.3% of the total area; forest replaced secondary vegetation, and both replaced traditional agriculture. The class that decreased the most was traditional agriculture; avocado orchard replaced it the most. The communities presented contrasting results in avocado expansion: in one the area increased from 0 to 20.2%, and in the other from 0 to 1.6%. The interviews suggested the determinant role of community social organization in the expansion, or not, of agribusiness. Impacts on peasant heritage, livelihoods, and deagrarianization are discussed.


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How to Cite

Subercaseaux Ugarte, D. ., Bocco, G. ., Cumana, I., Moreno-Calles, A. I., Astier , M., & Navarrete, A. (2025). Cambio de Uso del Suelo e Implicaciones de la Expansión Agroindustrial Aguacatera en el Occidente de México. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande. Retrieved from


