Las interrogantes para la geografía del siglo XXI


  • HERNAN SANTIS ARENAS Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • MONICA GANGAS GEISSE Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Retos actuales, Geografía actual


With motive of the thirty years of celebration of the Institute of Geography of the Pontificial Catholic University of Chile, the authors explore the probable and possible new questions for the Geography of the XXI century. Exploring the objectives of the discipline, penetrating the object of knowledge and observing with detention the procedures, are not new questions. Upon exploring in the topics or propositions for research topics for the secular lapse that geographers concerns, appear as interesting elements of considering, especially those that imply links with technologies and the cultural, economic, social and political developments. These are not new questions, just new topics for research.


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How to Cite

SANTIS ARENAS, H. ., & GANGAS GEISSE, M. . (2021). Las interrogantes para la geografía del siglo XXI. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (27), 11–18. Retrieved from




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