Urbanización de áreas inundables, mediación técnica y riesgo de desastre: una mirada crítica sobre sus relaciones


  • Diego Martín Ríos Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)




Urbanization of flood-prone areas, technical mediation, disaster risk


The following argument attempts to enrich the theoretical discussion on disasters and disaster risks that have taken place in the Human and Social Sciences (particularly in Geography) until now. This is done through a critical review of the relations normally established between urbanization in flood-prone areas, technical mediation and disaster risk, in terms of what we have called "disaster-risk space production". In this work we highlight the role of technica mediations in the production of these areas, considering the economic, political, and ideological dimensions involved in the process. Specifically, we analyze the singularity of "hydraulic techniques" in the urbanization of flood-prone areas, as the 'unique solution' to flood problems, as a strategy to increase the value of those areas, and as a response that ultimately amplifies disaster risk


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Author Biography

Diego Martín Ríos, Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Instituto de Geografía

How to Cite

Martín Ríos, D. . (2021). Urbanización de áreas inundables, mediación técnica y riesgo de desastre: una mirada crítica sobre sus relaciones. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (47), 27–43. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-34022010000300002


