Impact of camping activities on sensitive environmental sensitive environmental units of the coastal zone between Llolleo between Llolleo and Algarrobo: Central Chile




Environmental impact, camping activity, environmental sensitivity, Llolleo, Algarrobo


This paper shows the effect of camping activity on coastal environment, specifically in sensible units, between Llolleo and Algarrobo towns. There are two camping types, planned and spontaneous, and considering the level of aggressiveness, the last one has more negative extemalities. Problems are mainly in the first surrounding, such as visual landscape changes, geoforms modifications and vegetation destruction, and secondly underground-water pollution. The examples are superficial and underground garbage deposits, dune and vegetation destruction and waste water discharges on sands. The emergency to have an integrated management of the Coastal Zone is reboundes, with the purpose to found solutions to this problems, conditioning a sustaintable development.


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How to Cite

URRUTIA M, R., & ANDRADE, B. (1991). Impact of camping activities on sensitive environmental sensitive environmental units of the coastal zone between Llolleo between Llolleo and Algarrobo: Central Chile. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (18), 9–17. Retrieved from


