Cartographic trends


  • JOSE IGNACIO GONZALEZ LEIVA Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Cartography, information systems, topographic map, thematic map


The development and evolution of the various disciplines that have reached a high degree of conceptualization allows us to recognize within them certain types of orientations that are basically defined by the work of their practitioners. Within the cartographic discipline, the idea of recognizing only two types of charts by means of which the diverse phenomena that are susceptible of being mapped can be expressed has been gaining followers during the last three decades: these are the thematic charts and topographic charts. This recognition is based on a new conception of the discipline; in fact, Cartography is defined as an information system, where the means of expression and the way in which this information is delivered acquire special importance. This situation makes it possible to speak today of two cartographic trends, whose origin seems to go back to the very beginnings of the discipline. However, it is necessary to determine the moment in which both orientations define their identity; for it is important to take into account the valuation that three fundamental concepts have had in time: the content, the purpose and the means of expression used in the charts, which, in turn, determine in the present the current validity of the thematic and topographic trend within contemporary cartography, based on the diverse functions that they fulfill.


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How to Cite

GONZALEZ LEIVA, J. I. (1984). Cartographic trends. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (11), 3–16. Retrieved from


