Brazilian Social Work and its forms of political organization




Social Work, Brazil, history, political organization


The article presents particularities about Social Work in Brazil, considering its genesis, history and the collective forms of political organization of the profession. Through qualitative and bibliographic research, based on the review of literature on the subject and access to information available on the websites of organizational entities, it addresses Brazilian Social Work, considering its history, professional recognition and forms of collective organization. It is identified that the constitution, legitimation and consolidation of Brazilian Social Work has unique characteristics, a result of the social, cultural, political and economic formation of Brazil and also due to the way in which the professional category was collectively organized throughout the trajectory of the profession.From this research, challenges are identified for Brazilian Social Work in a context of advance of conservatism and neoliberal policies. Among the collective challenges of the professional category, in its organizational spaces, is the permanent struggle for quality, public, secular, face-to-face, democratic professional training and the defense of decent working conditions.

Author Biography

Reginaldo Ghiraldelli, Departamento de Trabajo Social y Programa de Posgrado en Política Social, Universidad de Brasilia, Brasil

Trabajador Social

Maestría y Doctorado en Trabajo Social.







Artículos científicos